TCP/IP vs OSI Model – Difference Between Them

Difference between TCP/IP and OSI Model

The OSI Model is a logical and conceptual model that defines network communication used by systems open to interconnection and communication with other systems. The Open System Interconnection (OSI Model) also defines a logical network and effectively describes computer packet transfer by using various layers of protocols.

What is TCP/IP Model?

TCP/IP helps you to determine how a specific computer should be connected to the internet and how you can transmit data between them. It helps you to create a virtual network when multiple computer networks are connected together.

TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol. It is specifically designed as a model to offer highly reliable and end-to-end byte stream over an unreliable internetwork.

TCP/IP Model

History of OSI Model

Here are some important landmarks from the history of the OSI model:


History of TCP/IP

Here are some important landmarks from the history of TCP/IP:

Characteristics of the OSI Model

Here are some important characteristics of the OSI model:

Characteristics TCP/IP Model

Here are the essential characteristics of the TCP/IP protocol:

Difference between TCP/IP and OSI Model

Here are some important differences between the OSI and TCP/IP model:

OSI Model TCP/IP Model
It is developed by ISO (International Standard Organization) It is developed by ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network).
OSI model provides a clear distinction between interfaces, services, and protocols. TCP/IP doesn’t have any clear distinguishing points between services, interfaces, and protocols.
OSI refers to Open Systems Interconnection. TCP refers to Transmission Control Protocol.
OSI uses the network layer to define routing standards and protocols. TCP/IP uses only the Internet layer.
OSI follows a vertical approach. TCP/IP follows a horizontal approach.
OSI layers have seven layers. TCP/IP has four layers.
In the OSI model, the transport layer is only connection-oriented. A layer of the TCP/IP model is both connection-oriented and connectionless.
In the OSI model, the data link layer and physical are separate layers. In TCP, physical and data link are both combined as a single host-to-network layer.
Session and presentation layers are a part of the OSI model. There is no session and presentation layer in the TCP model.
It is defined after the advent of the Internet. It is defined before the advent of the internet.
The minimum size of the OSI header is 5 bytes. The minimum header size is 20 bytes.

Advantages of the OSI Model

Here are the major benefits/pros of using the OSI model:

Advantages of TCP/IP

Here, are pros/benefits of using the TCP/IP model:

Disadvantages of OSI Model

Here are some cons/ drawbacks of using OSI Model:

Disadvantages of TCP/IP

Here, are few drawbacks of using the TCP/IP model:

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