How to get your passport application witnessed

First time passport applications must be witnessed before they can be processed.

Find information below on how to get your passport application witnessed and who can witness it.

Witnessing an online application


First time adult applications made through the Passport Online service require an Identity Verification Form to be signed by a witness. The Identity Verification Form can be printed at the end of the online process.

Consent of guardians

Passport applications for children under the age of 18 need the consent of all guardians (unless the child is married).

All guardians need to sign the relevant part of the Child Passport Identity and Consent Form in the presence of a suitable witness. This form can be printed off at the end of the online process. Find out what to do if one or more guardians are unable to provide consent.

It is the responsibility of the guardian(s) accompany the child to an appropriate witness for signature. This witness must witness the signature of the guardian(s) which give consent. Please ensure you read all sections of the form carefully.

A member of one of the professions listed below can witness the Child Passport Identity and Consent Form as long as they are personally know to you. Witnesses must be satisfied as to you and your child’s identify and that the photo of your child is a true likeness of them.

Please ensure your witness will be contactable at the number provided on the form. If your witness cannot be reached at the phone number provided, this may delay your application.

Guardians must:

The witness must:

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List of approved witnesses

Your witness can be a: