These Chicago Bars and Restaurants Now Require Vaccination Proof for Entry

When it comes to COVID-19 safety, these local businesses aren’t fooling around.

Published on Aug 13, 2021 at 4:14 PM

Sleeping Village

Despite Cubs games packed to the gills, indoor dining at full capacity, sweaty dive bars once again doling out the shots, and record turnouts (and, at least so far, minimal fallout) for reemerging festivals like Lollapalooza, a rise in positive Coronavirus cases statewide and the looming threat of the potent Delta variant suggest that Chicago’s much-hyped hot vax summer might be sliding headfirst into an autumnal crisis. And while that’s a terrifying concept to confront for just about every red-blooded human the city over, it’s especially bone-chilling for anyone with a stake in our city’s beloved dining scene—a sector that is still struggling to regain its footing after the past year’s lockdown-inducing quarantine.

It’s this fear—along with concerns about staff safety and efforts to convince the vaccine-hesitant—that’s motivating bars, restaurants, and event venues across the country to consider instituting vaccine mandates for their patrons. Yet unlike New York, Illinois has yet to announce any laws requiring these types of businesses to require masking or proof of vaccine to gain entry. In response, a growing number of local outposts, from raucous Boystown dance clubs and legendary live music joints to trendy Logan Square eateries and stalwart neighborhood pubs, are taking upon themselves to announce and enforce their own policies when it comes to vaccination status.


Sure, it might sound like a pain in the ass to have to carry your vax card around in your wallet or submit yourself to yet another mind-numbing reCAPTCHA trial courtesy of Vax Verify, the state’s new online COVID vaccine verification portal. But we can assure you that another economy-shattering lockdown is much, much larger pain in the ass—not just for you, but for every Chicago-repping bartender, dishwasher, server, runner, host, restaurateur, brewer, line cook, sommelier, chef, and all the other talented industry folk that make our culinary scene one of the nation’s best and brightest.

Here’s a list of Chicagoland restaurants, bars, and venues that are officially requiring proof of vaccination as of Friday, August 13. Get your shots, pocket your mask, and enjoy the ride.