
How you apply to Pierce College depends on where you are coming from and your education goals. Choose a category to learn more about the programs available to you.

Not sure of the right path for you? See some career roadmaps or send us a request for more information.

New! Admissions Zoom

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New and Returning Students

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New students, as well as former students who have missed four or more academic quarters, can use our simple five-step process to get started at Pierce College.

International Students

International student graduating

If you are a student living outside the United States, consider attending Pierce College through the International Education program. This program offers intensive English courses, associate degree and professional/technical training, and high school completion opportunities.

Elearning (Online)

Student working on laptop

Take courses and complete your degree online anytime, anywhere with Pierce College's eLearning. Courses are available online and through various media formats. There are also hybrid classes for students who like a mix of new technology and traditional classroom experiences.

Running Start

Student in a chemistry lab

This is a state program that allows eligible high school juniors and seniors to take college-level courses (and earn college credits) without paying tuition. It's a perfect program for motivated, ambitious students wishing to get a jump on college.

Community and Continuing Education

Small business owner

Make learning a lifelong journey with the Continuing Education program. Take classes for personal enrichment, such as cooking, fitness, and foreign languages, or for career advancement, such as business and computers.

Pierce College at JBLM

Military student happily studying

Pierce College operates education centers at Fort Lewis and McChord Air Force Base. These sites make earning an associate or transfer degree, or professional/technical degree or certificate, convenient for active and retired military personnel, their families, and the local community.