INSURANCE Many types of insurance to cover a range of needs

Insurance policies can help you in many ways, protecting your family financially while also providing opportunities to build wealth. Your agent will work to understand your financial situation and help you design personalized solutions to protect and prosper.

How insurance can help you create a financial protection strategy

Whether you’re starting out on your own, approaching retirement, or somewhere in between, we provide guidance that adapts to your financial circumstances.

Protect your loved ones

If you’re looking to build wealth for future generations or support them after you pass away, a life insurance policy can help you achieve your goals

Protect your income

If you ever become disabled due to sickness or injury and are unable to work, having an individual disability insurance policy in place can help replace some of your lost income

Protect your assets

If you’re concerned about preserving your nest egg, long-term care insurance can reimburse you for in-home care (and equipment) to help with everyday activities — which many people need as they age

Protect your future

Our solutions can evolve with your needs to continue providing financial protection, and many of our permanent whole life insurance policies accumulate more value over time

Whatever your goals, we have insurance policies to help

We work closely with you to choose from a range of insurance products (all with tax advantages) and customize them to protect what you value most.

Term life insurance

Temporary protection that can be converted to permanent coverage

See term life

Whole life insurance

Permanent policies with a guaranteed death benefit and guaranteed cash value that grows over time

See whole life

Universal life insurance

Long-term coverage that’s highly customizable to your needs and budget

See universal life

Variable universal life insurance¹

Long-term coverage with the ability to invest your policy’s cash value in the market

See variable universal life

Long-term care insurance

Helps to pay for someone to help you with everyday tasks, if you ever need it

See long-term care

Individual disability insurance

Helps to replace a portion of lost income if sickness or injury prevent you from working

See individual disability

Common questions about insurance

What type of insurance should I get?

The right insurance for you depends on your personal situation, your current budget, and your goals for the future. We have many different insurance options that we can customize to you—which is why we match every potential client with an experienced agent . When you’re ready to get answers to your questions or talk about your options, it’s simple to connect with us .

When should I buy insurance?

Insurance can play an important role in your financial security at any stage of life. Generally, the earlier you start planning, the lower your payments (premiums) may be. Connect with an agent when you’re ready and we can answer your questions about timing, costs, or anything else related to insurance.

What steps do I follow to get insurance?

The first thing to do is connect with an agent from New York Life. (You can choose an individual to work with or we can match you with someone in your area.) Then you schedule a time for an initial chat that will help your agent get to know you, your needs and your goals. After that, we can evaluate possible solutions and provide guidance that lasts for life.

What does an insurance policy cover?

It depends on the type of insurance. A life insurance policy provides loved ones (beneficiaries) with a cash payout, called a death benefit, if the insured person dies while the policy is still active. Certain types of life insurance can also build cash value that you can use during your lifetime. Long-term care insurance can reimburse you for the costs of long-term care to help with everyday activities, such as getting out of bed or bathing, and help protect your nest egg in the process. Individual disability insurance helps to replace some lost income if sickness or injury leaves you unable to work.

If I have coverage from my employer, do I also need individual insurance?

It can be a nice benefit to have insurance that’s offered through (and possibly funded by) your workplace. The downside is that your coverage ends if you leave your job. You may also have fewer coverage options from which to choose. When you buy individual insurance (either to replace employer-sponsored life insurance or in addition to it) you hold onto that policy for as long as you continue making payments.