Want to Build a Successful Curriculum Blueprint? Here's Our Recipe

Sometimes I wish I were more like my mom. There are many reasons why, but many times it’s because I wish I were a great cook. I used to watch her in the kitchen just glance at a picture of a dish from a cookbook, then create that without ever having to follow the step-by-step recipe that was next to the picture. It was like watching a magic show.

At first, I thought she was just gifted in cooking. Then I realized that she has been cooking since she was in her teens; and although she may be gifted, it was the years of practice that made her an expert. Well, I don’t claim, nor do the people around me, that I am a great cook. I do, however, make dishes from time to time. Sometimes they fail, sometimes they turn out decent. What I find is that because I am not an expert in cooking, following a set recipe with every ingredient measured out gives me a significantly higher chance at creating a successful dish than when I “go rogue”.

I think this analogy is totally relevant when it comes to planning a successful curriculum implementation for your school district. With our in-house experts, we’ve created a recipe that will help you develop a curriculum process aligned with the district’s vision, and whose implementation can be done with fidelity. The good news is that we are happy to share that recipe with you!

Phase 0: Plan & Align

Before you begin, plan and align on project goals, team, and schedule.