Become a Host Family!

Complete our host family interest form to receive more information, connect with a local ISE representative, and meet exchange students who are awaiting a host family in your area.

Complete Your Host Family Application

Fill out our host family application so that we can get to know a little bit more about you, your family, and your lifestyle. The more detail you provide, the easier it is to match you with your perfect student.

Choose Your Exchange Student

Once your application is accepted, you’ll be able to work with a local representative to select the best exchange student for your family. Your representative will assist you in finding a compatible match based on your lifestyle, family dynamics, hobbies, and interests.

host families
say… testimonials Host Dad in Texas

“For us, we don’t just treat our students like they are visitors — to us, they are our children”…continue reading

Host Mom in Indiana

“We actually attended our exchange daughter’s prom in Germany after our program ended. We went to celebrate her graduation there with our whole family and hers!”

Host Mom in California

“Sharing our culture, customs, family & home with our student while learning about their way of life is so much fun! It helps our 12-year-old daughter learn as well. Can’t imagine not doing it!”

Host Mom in Maryland

“One month after our exchange student left, our daughter traveled to Spain to visit with her and her family. They missed each other so much! This was 2 years ago and they still talk almost daily. “

Host Mom in Arkansas

“My husband and I are retired and this experience so far has been amazing. We will definitely host next year and our student this year is talking about coming back to visit after she graduates in her country next year. She will always have a home here when she is in America.”

Host Mom in Ohio

“Going into hosting, I did not know what to expect. We did not only get a boy that was coming to America for a great experience but a son, best friend, and all around great kid. He was so much more than we could have hoped for!”

Why Host an Exchange Student?

When you host a foreign exchange student with International Student Exchange, you’re doing more than making dreams come true. As a host family, you also…

Our volunteer host families welcome high school exchange students into their homes and treat them as part of the family. These exchange program hosts represent the diversity of American life. Each brings their own unique, valuable perspective to our students. Wondering what it takes to succeed at hosting an exchange student? Here are a few tips to help host families prepare for a successful exchange program.

Read more about preparing for a successful exchange program in our article, Tips for Preparing for Your Exchange Program.