Termination of
Parental Rights

In Georgia, a parent may see their rights to their child revoked if it is determined that they are incapable of caring for their offspring and/or pose a threat to the child’s safety.

It should be noted, however, that the termination of parental rights in Georgia is an extremely sensitive issue and the Juvenile Court, which presides over such matters, is generally reluctant to remove a child from the care of its parent or parents. For this reason, the Court will only entertain a petition for the termination of parental rights if it has been filed by somebody who has in-depth knowledge of the relationship between the parent and child in question, which is usually interpreted as an immediate family member.

Furthermore, any petition for the termination of parental rights should be endorsed by the child if possible, so those seeking to begin the process of revoking a party’s parental rights should be certain that the juvenile is willing to corroborate their report and perhaps provide further evidence of the parent’s ineptitude.

A termination of parental rights is not enacted without much deliberation by the Court and so anyone considering pursuing a petition for termination should obtain specialized legal assistance.

Fennell, Briasco, & Associates is always willing to aid in crafting a petition for terminating parental rights, provided that the party seeking help has reason to believe the subject’s ability to raise their child has been affected by one of several factors recognized by the Court as grounds for action.

Grounds for terminating a parent’s rights in Georgia

Under Georgia law (Section 15-11-94), a judge can terminate a parent’s rights for any of the following reasons:

How is parental misconduct or inability determined?

In Georgia, the court determines parental misconduct or inability by finding that:

First, the court must determine whether there is clear and convincing evidence of parental misconduct or inability. Georgia law provides a list of factors the court may look at, including:

If the child is not in the custody of the parent, the court will also look at whether the parent failed to do the following (for a year or longer before filing the petition):

Voluntary Termination of Parental Rights in Georgia

In certain situations, a parent may decide to voluntarily terminate their parental rights over their child by obtaining and submitting voluntarily Termination of Parental Rights in Georgia forms. If completed and approved, this legally severs the parent-child relationship, ending the parents’ rights and responsibilities toward the child.

How Do You Sign Your Rights Over?

Parents may choose to voluntarily terminate rights if another party wishes to adopt the child, such as a stepparent or family member. It may also be preferable to an involuntary termination by the state in cases of abuse, abandonment, or inability to parent. However, it’s a significant legal step that shouldn’t be undertaken lightly and is not easily achieved as the courts always seek to ensure the best interests of the child.

Call Us Today at (770) 956-4030 to See How We Can Help

Georgia law treats the termination of parental rights very seriously, as do we at Fennell, Briasco, & Associates. If you are asking yourself, “How do you sign your rights over?” or preparing to petition for the termination of parental rights, it’s crucial to understand the lifelong impacts. Our parental rights lawyers will do everything in their power to help. Similarly, if you feel you have been the victim of an unfounded petition against you, we will work tirelessly to ensure the case is dismissed and your reputation restored.